Legislative activities of communication and the Provincial Assembly of Jeollanam-do of trustworthiness

Resolution Procedure

    • 네이버밴드
    • 네이버블로그
    • 카카오톡
  1. Submission, suggestion and proposal of the agenda
    • Submission by the chief (Governor and superintendent) of local government
    • Suggestion of the committee
    • Proposal by the joint signature of more than 10 members
  2. Filing
    Check 3 main requirements of the agenda
    • Proposal requirements
    • Format requirements
    • Constitution requirements
  3. Reporting to the chairman
    • Decision at the competent standing committee
  4. Distribution and reporting to the main session by the chairman
    • Distribution of 1 duplicate of the submitted agenda to all members
    • Report immediately during opening of the regular session, return to the committee firstly during adjournment or closing, and report at the first of convening of regular session
  5. Return to the standing committee
    • Return to competent committee
  6. Distribution and reporting the agenda at the main session
    • Distribution of 1 duplicate of the submitted agenda to all members
    • Report immediately during opening of the regular session, return to the committee firstly during adjournment or closing, and report at the first of convening of regular session
  7. Return to the standing committee
    • Return to competent committee
  8. Evaluation by the standing committee
    1. Reporting to committee
    2. Raising the conference schedule
    3. Explaining on proposal
    4. Review report
    5. Q&A
    6. Debating for pro or con
    7. Evaluation by reading
    8. Listening to the opinion of local government
    9. Resolution (Voting)
  9. Committee evaluation results reporting
    • Requirement confirmation
  10. Evaluation at regular session
    1. Raising conference schedule
    2. Reporting the evaluation results of the committee (By the chairman of competent committee or member of the committee)
    3. Questioning
    4. Debate
    5. Resolution (Voting)
  11. Convey to the chief of local government
    1. Budget plan : Within 3 days
    2. Ordinance draft : Within 5 days
      • Declaration by the chief of local government
        • Declaration by the chief of local government within 20 days after conveying
        • Declaration by the chairman when not announced within 20 days.
      1. Request re-evaluation
        • The chief of local government requests re-evaluation by attaching reason within 20 days from conveying in case of objection on the ordnance draft.
      2. Filing
      3. Processing at the regular session
        1. Raising the conference schedule (Within 10 days unless unavoidable reason except the adjournment and closing session), and Listening to the reason of rejection from the local government
        2. Q&A
        3. Debating
        4. Resolution (Voting)
      4. Convey to the chief of local government
          • Declaration by the chief of local government
            • Declaration by the chief of the local government or by the chairman when not announced within 5 days after conveying.

          • Appealing to the Supreme Court
            • The chief of local government may appeal to the Supreme Court within 20 days from the date of re-evaluation when the re-evaluated matters are considered as against the law.
  12. Declaration notice filing (Council)