- Submission, suggestion and proposal of the agenda
- Submission by the chief (Governor and superintendent) of local government
- Suggestion of the committee
- Proposal by the joint signature of more than 10 members
- Filing
- Check 3 main requirements of the agenda
- Proposal requirements
- Format requirements
- Constitution requirements
- Reporting to the chairman
- Decision at the competent standing committee
- Distribution and reporting to the main session by the chairman
- Distribution of 1 duplicate of the submitted agenda to all members
- Report immediately during opening of the regular session, return to the committee firstly during adjournment or closing, and report at the first of convening of regular session
- Return to the standing committee
- Return to competent committee
- Distribution and reporting the agenda at the main session
- Distribution of 1 duplicate of the submitted agenda to all members
- Report immediately during opening of the regular session, return to the committee firstly during adjournment or closing, and report at the first of convening of regular session
- Return to the standing committee
- Return to competent committee
- Evaluation by the standing committee
- Reporting to committee
- Raising the conference schedule
- Explaining on proposal
- Review report
- Q&A
- Debating for pro or con
- Evaluation by reading
- Listening to the opinion of local government
- Resolution (Voting)
- Committee evaluation results reporting
- Requirement confirmation
- Evaluation at regular session
- Raising conference schedule
- Reporting the evaluation results of the committee (By the chairman of competent committee or member of the committee)
- Questioning
- Debate
- Resolution (Voting)
- Convey to the chief of local government
- Budget plan : Within 3 days
- Ordinance draft : Within 5 days
- Declaration by the chief of local government
- Declaration by the chief of local government within 20 days after conveying
- Declaration by the chairman when not announced within 20 days.
- Request re-evaluation
- The chief of local government requests re-evaluation by attaching reason within 20 days from conveying in case of objection on the ordnance draft.
- Filing
- Processing at the regular session
- Raising the conference schedule (Within 10 days unless unavoidable reason except the adjournment and closing session), and Listening to the reason of rejection from the local government
- Q&A
- Debating
- Resolution (Voting)
- Convey to the chief of local government
- Declaration by the chief of local government
- Declaration by the chief of the local government or by the chairman when not announced within 5 days after conveying.
- Declaration by the chief of the local government or by the chairman when not announced within 5 days after conveying.
- Appealing to the Supreme Court
- The chief of local government may appeal to the Supreme Court within 20 days from the date of re-evaluation when the re-evaluated matters are considered as against the law.
- Declaration notice filing (Council)