Legislative activities of communication and the Provincial Assembly of Jeollanam-do of trustworthiness

Budget Evaluation and Establishment Procedure

    • 네이버밴드
    • 네이버블로그
    • 카카오톡
  1. Submission to the chief of local government
    • Budget: 50 days prior to the start of the fiscal year.
    • Closing: Till May 10th of the coming fiscal year
  2. Filing
    • Distribution to the members
  3. Reporting to the main session
  4. Explanation on budget plan proposal (Main session)
    • Chief of local government
  5. Return to standing committee (Official letter)
    • The chairman may designate the evaluation terms
  6. Raising/evaluating/making resolution at standing committee
    • Explanation on details by the competent committee or chief of department
  7. Evaluation reporting to the chairman (Official letter)
  8. Returning to Budget Closing Special Committee
  9. Raising/evaluating/making resolution at Budget Closing Special Committee
    • Hearing on Y/N of the executive agencies at the augmentation in budget plan and installation of new account
  10. Evaluation report to the chairman (Official letter)
  11. Raising/evaluating/making resolution at main session
    • Re-evaluation on the particular points at the budget closing special committee
    • Consent by the chief of local government is required before resolution for the augmentation in budget plan and installing new account
    • Make resolution on the budget plan 15 days prior to the start of the fiscal year
  12. Conveying to the chief of local government
    • Conveying within 3 days from resolution date