Legislative activities of communication and the Provincial Assembly of Jeollanam-do of trustworthiness

Chairman’s Greeting

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The Council of Jeollanam-do will spread the legislative activities aggressively tuned to the eye-level of the residents to be a council of communication and trustworthiness.

제12대 전라남도의회 의장 김태균 사진
Chairman of the 12 council of Jeollanam-do Kim Tae Gyun
Hello, respectful residents!
I am glad to greet to you via the website.

I am the chairman of Jeollanam-do Council, Kim Tae Gyun. Warm handedly welcome to your visit to council’s homepage. The 12th council of Jeollanam-do was launched in the midst of applause and encouragement from 2 million inhabitants.

We, the 12th council of Jeollanam-do will unfold legislative activities tuned to the eye-level of the residents to be the council of legislation under communication and trustworthiness.

We will open the era of ideal local autonomy for the betterment of my living and our neighbors’ living as well under the shape of council in low position and eagerness in learning.

In addition, we will contain the Executive Branch and keep balance in provincial administration at the stance of the residents through strengthening the instrumental roles of the council, i.e. functions of holding in check and supervising, and born again as a center of people’s will.

From time to time, we will make efforts to reflect even the smallest voices from the site of people’s living to the provincial and educational administration of Jeollanam-do through brave criticism and suggestion of creative alternatives as well.

In the coming days, we kindly request your never-changing attention, applause, aggressive participation and cooperation towards our council.

Thank you very much.

Chairman of the 12 council of Jeollanam-do